1. (BD) Bracken Dance (AOE - dmg): 85% attack + 80 dmg to all enemies within the square area.
-Upgrade +5 : 100% attack + 355 dmg to all enemies within the square area.
2. (FTG) Flying Thunder God (Passive): Attack range + 1
-Upgrade +5 : Attack range + 1, Max Hp +25%
3. (GD) Guillotine Drop (Single target - dmg - effect): 150% attack + stuns enemy for 1 turn.
-Upgrade +5 : 160% attack + 162 damage + stuns enemy for 1 turn.
4. (URS) Ultimate Rasen Shuriken (Single target - dmg): sacrifice 30% max HP to inflict enemy 250% dmg.
-Upgrade +5 : sacrifice 15% max HP to inflict enemy 250% dmg.
5. (UGS) Ultimate Great Strength (Effect): no action this turn, attack power + 150% next turn.
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
6. (UE)Ultimate Erupt (AOE - dmg - effect): 85% attack to enemies within the cross-shaped area + stuns them for 1 turn.
-Upgrade +5 : 95% attack to enemies within the cross-shaped area + stuns them for 1 turn.
7. (UET) Ultimate Eight Trigrams Palms (AOE - dmg): 85% attack + 200 dmg to enemies within the cross-shaped area.-Upgrade +5 : unknown
8. (UC)Ultimate Crush (Single target - dmg): 180% attack + 243 dmg.
-Upgrade +5 : 190% Attack +1215 Dmg.
9. (GR) Grand Rasengan (Single target - dmg): 150% attack + 162 dmg (2 Tries).
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
10. (DFC) Deep Forest Creation (Single target - dmg - effect): 100% attack + restrains enemy for 2
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
1.(ADJ) Atomic Dismantling Jutsu (Single target - dmg): 180% attack + 212 dmg.
-Upgrade +5 : 190% Attack + 845 Dmg
2. (CSB) C0 Suicide-Bomb (AOE - dmg): 95% attack to all enemies within the square area.
-Upgrade +5 : 110% damage in square area.
3. (GSW) Great Sickle Weasel (Single target - dmg): 150% attack + 141 dmg (2 Tries).
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
4.(SPEJ) Sacred Paper Emissary Jutsu (Passive): attack range + 2
-Upgrade +5 : Attack Range +2, Max HP +25%
5.(SBP) Sand Binding Prison (AOE - effect): restrains enemies within the cross-shaped area for 2 turns.
-Upgrade +5 : Deals enemies in cross array 75% attack and restrain them for 2 turns.
6.(SSD) Sandstorm Devastation (AOE - dmg): 120% attack + 80 dmg to enemies within the cross-shaped area.
-Upgrade +5 : 130% attack + 790 damage to enemy within the cross-shaped area.
7.(SIS) Secret - Insect Sphere (AOE - effect): reduce 50% attack power of enemies within the cross-shaped area for 2 turns.
-Upgrade +5 : Enemies within the cross-shaped area -75% attack power for 2 turns.
8. (SSJ) Shadow Strangle Jutsu (Single target - dmg - effect): 150% attack + restrains enemy for 1 turn.
-Upgrade +5 : Deals 175% attack and restrains enemy for 1 turn.
9.(10P) The Ten Puppets (AOE - dmg): 140% attack + 50 dmg to enemy 3 slots adjacent.
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
10.(UL) Ultimate Iaido (Single target - dmg - effect): 150% attack + reduce 50% attack power of enemy next turn.
-Upgrade +5 : 150% attack. Enemy attack power -75% next turn.
1.(FCM) Fast Chakra Moving (Passive): Movement +2 , Max Hp +5%
-Upgrade +5 : Movement +2 , Max Hp +30%
2. (GDF) Great Dragon Fire (Single target - dmg): 180% attack + 303 dmg.
-Upgrade +5 : 190% Attack +1515 dmg.
3. (LT) Lightning Tiger (Single target - dmg): 150% attack + 202 dmg (2 Tries).
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
4. (PD) Planetary Devastation (AOE - dmg): 50% attack + 40 dmg to all enemies.
-Upgrade +5 : Deals all enemies 55% attack and additional 240 damage.
5. (ECS) Ultimate Cursed Seal (Effect): burn 30% max HP, attack power + 150% next turn.
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
6. (UFIJ) Ultimate Feather Illusion Jutsu (Single target - Effect): hypnotizes enemy for 2 turns.
-Upgrade +5 : Ultimate Deals 75% attack and hypnotizes for 2 turn
7.(UFSB) Five Seal Barrier (Single target - dmg - effect): 100% attack + enemy cannot use skill for 2 turns.
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
8.(VGS) Vacuum Great Sphere (AOE - dmg): 80% attack + 240 dmg to enemies within the cross-shaped area.
-Upgrade +5 : unknown
9. (WPSD) Water Prison Shark Dance (AOE - dmg - effect): 85% attack to enemies within the cross-shaped area + hypnotizes them for 1 turn.
-Upgrade +5 : 95% damage to enemy within cross-shaped area and hypnotizes them for 1 turn.
10. (WW) Water Wall (AOE - dmg): 75% attack + 60 dmg to all enemies within the square area.
-Upgrade +5 : Deals 85% attack and additional + 985 Damage to enemy within the targeted square.
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